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Meet Our most experienced Repointing Operatives

Our most experienced repointing operatives - over 50 years of combined repointing experience.



Professional Repointing Operative

Brandon Gun-point as trainee in repointing Staffordshire & Derbyshires housing association properties in 2016.

Now we send him to repoint any type of property with any type of lime mortar.



Site Manager

Grandad, Dean has been with Gun-point since 2002.  What Dean doesn't know about repointing isn't worth knowing.

The same must be said about racing pigeons.  Dean has had a wonderful track record with his "athletes of the sky"



Professional Repointing Operative

Kyle joined Gunpoint in 2014

(at 16) and has an attention to detail that is second to none.

01889 565800

Gunpoint, Pennycroft Lane, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire. ST14 7BW, UK

This business is owned & operated by Gun-point Holdings Limited. London. W1T 6EB.

©2018 G & A Bryan Limited trading as Gun-point

Lime Mortar repointing specialists

Repointing company

How do I know if I need repointing doing

Repointing quotation

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